Funding for computer and networking facilities, internet access and purchasing educational materials for newly created research and development unit.

Project:             Research and Development Unit

Year:                      2017

Project Cost:      AUD 11,000 (LKR 1,150,000)

Beneficiaries:     All students at JHC 

Purpose: Funding for computer and networking facilities, internet access and purchasing educational materials for newly created research and development unit.

Summary:            This is a new and challenging area of education in our homeland. The main purpose of this unit is to enhance the ability of high achieving students to reach their true potential in their area of interest. We believe that this program will help students to open up their creative ability and change their way of thinking to make a difference to our society.

Though, this is a small step towards producing a future inventor, mathematician, scientist or a great leader, we believe it is worth encouraging this area of development within our school community to develop a prosperous and capable generation who can compete at world stage.

As part of this program, monthly seminars and research workshops will be conducted by industry experts, University Academics and Professionals. This will create opportunities for students to acquire broader knowledge and skills in their younger age to pursue their dream.