
One key challenge for students is to decide a job or a course which is most suited for them. So, it is necessary to have career guidance and counselling centers in our school. Students need to be able to communicate clearly, competently, and confidently from a broad knowledge base in order to make thoughtful and responsible decisions.

In response to these challenges, it is necessary to give guidance, counselling programs and services to all students in the school. Our OBA funded career guidance and counselling center at our school is called ‘Makizlaham’.

Makizlaham Program Aims

  • Provide the guidance and counselling needs of all students
  • Encourage respect for individual strengths and needs
  • Help students understand themselves and building meaningful relationships with others
  • Help students plan and achieve educational goals and explore personal career paths
  • Provide co-ordination services to teachers, parents and others who work with students

The development


Makizlaham was started in 2019 with a complete revamp of our old library (building behind the temple) with all needed infrastructure. Our OBA funded chairs, curtains, interior partitioning, play equipments, musical instruments, computer, printer, multimedia projector and speaker system.

Total cost: $5900

At the final stage we provided furniture to the counselling room, conference table & chairs at the cost of $1450.


Restoration of Makizlaham staircase without changing its original features.

Total cost: $1950

Makizlaham at present

Now, fully functional Makizlaham has many events including workshops, leadership programs, student guidance activities etc. Experienced counsellor Mr Makilchikaran is overseeing day to day activities.

Our OBA is committed to allocate a budget every year to this flagship project.


An eventful day at Makizlaham

Makizlaham supported remote workshop