1. NAME:
The name of the association shall be “THE JAFFNA HINDU COLLEGE OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA”, VICTORIA. Herein after referred to as the Association.
JAFFNA HINDU COLLEGE is the Jaffna Hindu College in Sri Lanka, and is here in after referred to as the College.
The registered office shall be at 58A Lakesfield Drive, Ferntree Gully, Vic 3156, Australia or at such place as determined by the Association.
The objectives of the Association shall be:
(a) To preserve and promote the high traditions of Jaffna Hindu College.
(b) To foster and maintain among the Old boys a sense of loyalty to the college and fellowship with one another.
(c) To render all possible assistance to Jaffna Hindu College, and any Old Boys of the college migrating or visiting Australia, at all times.
(d) To participate and assist in projects designed for the benefit of Jaffna Hindu College.
(e) To foster and to promote the relationship between Jaffna Hindu College and its past pupils living in Australia.
(f) To maintain links and co-ordinate activities with other organisations in Australia as deemed fit.
(g) To purchase or otherwise acquire any property, movable or immovable for the Association.
(h) To raise funds and to accept and borrow monies in any manner the Association may deem fit for its activities.
(i) To invest surplus funds in an appropriate manner beneficial to the Association.
(j) To print and publish any newsletter, periodical or leaflet and telecast and broadcast what the Association consider desirable for the promotion of its objectives.
(k) To maintain a library of books, audio and videos and other relevant material and equipment in relation to the cultural and academic pursuits and interest of the members of the Association.
(l) To organise programs such as workshops, seminar and other related activities to further the aims and objectives of the Association.
(m) To maintain an up to date directory of all known past pupil and staff to Jaffna Hindu College living in Australia.
(n) To collect funds for the Association which shall be derived from the annual subscriptions, donations and such other resources as the Management Committee determines and in a manner not inconsistent with the objectives of the Association.
(o) To promote social and recreational activities among the families of the members.
(p) To generally do and execute all such other acts, deeds or things as are or may be necessary for or incidental or conductive to the attainment of the objectives of the Association.
(a) Membership of the Association shall be open to:
- All past pupils of Jaffna Hindu College residing in Australia.
- All past members of the staff of Jaffna Hindu College residing in Australia.
(b) Membership of the Association shall consist of Ordinary members and Life members.
(c) A person applying for membership shall undertake to subscribe towards the objectives of the Association and agree to be bound by its rules as set out in this Constitution.
(d) Application for membership shall be made in writing and shall be in such form as the Management Committee may from time to time prescribe.
(e) Application for membership shall be scrutinized by the Management Committee who shall determine the acceptance or non-acceptance of such application for membership.
(f) The secretary shall officially inform applicants of the outcome of their application for membership.
(g) The secretary shall keep an up to date register of all the members.
5.1 ORDINARY MEMBERS: An annual subscription, which shall be determined from time to time by the Management Committee (MGTCO) and approved by the Annual General Meeting (AGM), shall be paid by every ordinary member on or before the day of AGM.
5.2 LIFE MEMBERS: Ordinary Members become Life Members on the payment of a lump sum, to be determined by the Management Committee (MGTCO) and approved by the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
5.3 Members who are in arrears of subscription shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.
6.1 PATRON: The principal of Jaffna Hindu College shall be the ex-officio patron.
6.2 VICE PATRON: Two or more Vice Patrons shall be nominated by the Management Committee (MGTCO) at its meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) out of the names of the Old Boys and others who have rendered outstanding and invaluable services to Jaffna Hindu College or the Association.
The following shall be the Office-Bearers of the Association. They shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Assistant Secretary
- Treasurer
- Assistant Treasurer
- Social Secretary
- Sports Secretary
- Editor
Office Bearers are eligible for re-election but shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive years.
Any Members of the Management Committee (MGTCO) who is absent from three consecutive meetings without prior notification to the Management Committee (MGTCO) shall forfeit his office.
The Management Committee shall consist of the Office-Bearers and up to six other Members elected at the AGM. The Management Committee (MGTCO) shall be responsible for the day to day management of the Association.
Any member of the Management Committee (MGTCO) who is absent from three consecutive meetings without prior notification to the Management Committee (MGTCO) shall forfeit his position in the Management Committee (MGTCO). The term of the Management Committee (MGTCO) shall be from one AGM to the next AGM.
8.1 CO-OPTED COMMITTEE MEMEBERS: The Management Committee may consist up to five other Co-opted Committee Members elected at the Annual General Meeting.
(a) DATE:
The AGM shall generally be held each year before end of March.
A notice of convening the meeting shall be sent to all official Members to their last known address, at least twenty one days before the meeting.
The quorum for the AGM shall be 25% of the financial members.
The Agenda, which shall be sent to all members, shall include among other items, any resolutions for which due notice has been given.
A Notice of the Resolutions must be submitted in writing to the Secretary not later than fourteen days of the date of the meeting. However, a resolution without due notice may be discussed if two thirds of the members present at the meeting agree.
Financial Members present at the meeting can only vote in the general meetings. No members can vote by proxy or by postal voting.
9.2 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING (SGM): A Special General Meeting may be called at the instance of the President of the MGTCO or at the written request to the Secretary of not less than a third of the financial members, giving reasons.
Rules regarding Notice of Meeting and quorum shall be the same as the AGM.
9.3 MEETINGS OF THE MGTCO: The MGTCO shall meet at regular intervals as may be decided by the President or the MGTCO. Six shall form a quorum.
9.4 PRESIDING AT MEETINGS: The President shall preside at all meetings. In his absence the Vice-President may preside. In their absence, a member of the MGTCO may be invited to preside. This rule shall apply to all Special Meetings and MGTCO Meetings.
10.1 ELECTIONS: Only members present at the AGM and not in arrears of subscription are eligible for election. An absent member’s name may be proposed if a written consent from that member is produced at the meeting. In case of a contest by more than one person for a position, a simple majority will decide the winner. No proxy vote or postal vote is applicable.
10.2 VACANCIES: All vacancies in the MGTCO arising during the year may be filled by the MGTCO within fourteen days of such vacancies arising.
11.1 SECRETARY: The secretary shall keep minutes of meetings, sent out notices, carry on all correspondences and transact all other business connected with the Association. The secretary shall maintain an up to date directory of all known past pupil and staff of Jaffna Hindu College residing in Australia. Except as otherwise provided in this constitution (Rules), the Secretary shall keep in his custody or under his control all books, documents and securities of the Association.
11.2 TREASURER: The treasurer shall maintain all records of income and expenditure and submit an audited Statement of Accounts at the AGM. He shall also maintain a Register of Life and Ordinary Members with their Addresses.
11.3 ASSISTANT SECRETARY: The Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of the Secretary, in the absence of the Secretary.
11.4 ASSISTANT TRESURER: The Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Treasurer, in the absence of the Treasurer.
11.5 SOCIAL SECRETARY: The Social Secretary shall be coordinating social activities of the Association.
11.6 SPORTS SECRETARY: The Sports Secretary shall be coordinating sports activities of the Association.
11.7 EDITOR: The Editor shall be coordinating all publications of the Association, including the annual souvenir.
The funds of the Association shall be derived from annual subscription, donations and such other sources as the committee determines.
The funds of the Association shall be maintained in Banks approved by MGTCO as follows:
12.1 An account for the day to day running of the Association.
12.2 A Fixed Deposit and/or savings account shall be used to hold all funds other than required for 12.1 above.
12.3 Account shall be made available by the treasurer for inspection by any member at any time after he receives at least twenty-four hours notice from that member.
The Financial Year of the Association shall be the calendar year from 1st January to 31st December.
The accounts shall be operated by the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer and any one of the following:
- The President
- The Secretary
The accounts of the Association shall be audited by Registered Auditor appointed at the AGM. The Auditor shall not be a member of the MGTCO.
A notice of proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be given at least twenty eight days prior to the Annual General or Special General Meeting and such amendments shall become valid if accepted by three-forth (3/4) of the members present at the meeting.
The Constitution (or the Rules) and the Statement of Purpose of the Association shall not be altered except in accordance with the Act.
17. SEAL:
The common seal of the Association shall be kept in the custody of the secretary. The common seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the MGTCO and the affixing of the common seal shall be altered by the signatures of two members of the MGTCO.
In the event of the winding up or the cancellation of the incorporation of the Association, the assets of the Association shall be disposed in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
The Association shall have no procedure or mechanism for disciplinary action in place.
In circumstances where the Constitution is silent in relation to any matter, this matter may be decided in accordance with the laws of the land.