Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting for 2017 was held on Sunday, 5th March 2017 at “Southern Community Centre, 27 Rupert Drive, Mulgrave, VIC 3170”.

The Annual General Meeting was presided over by President Mr. K. Sathiyalingam, who welcomed all the members to the Annual General Meeting and briefed the members about all the achievements of the JHC OBA Victoria, Australia during the past year. The President Mr. K. Sathiyalingam thanked all the members for their contribution for the JHC OBA Victoria activities in the past year and sought the continued support of the members for all the future activities of the JHC OBA Victoria. The secretary Mr. A. Noyel presented the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and the Annual Report for the year 2016. The treasurer Mr. T. Satheeshkumar presented the Financial Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2016.

Thereafter the election of the new management committee for the year 2017 was held and the following members were elected.

President                               : Mr.  K. Sathiyalingam

Vice- President                    : Mr. K. Sivasuthan

Secretary                               : Mr. A. Noyel

Assistant Secretary              : Mr. S. Sriskanthabalan

Treasurer                               : Mr. T. Satheeshkumar

Assistant Treasurer              : Mr. S. Saththiyan

Social Secretary                   : Mr. T. Athavan

Sports Secretary                   : Mr. S. Narendran

Editor                                     : Mr. P. Prabakaran

Committee Members          : Mr. S. Thavendran, Mr. N. Prabaharan, Mr. T. Sriharan, Mr. C. Sri Nanthakumar, Mr. S. Vijekumaran and Dr. S. Sivananthan

Committee Members          : Mr. K. Vijayarajan, Mr. A Thevakumar, Mr. T. Athiththan, Mr. G. Partheepan and Mr.T. Suganthan


The president Mr. K. Sathiyalingam addressed the members and requested continuous support to the newly elected committee for the success.


Annual Dinner & Live Music Programme 2017 – Ghana Mazhai 2017

The Annual Dinner & Live Music programme was held on 16st September 2017 at the “Kingston City Hall”, 985 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin 3189.  “Crystlz Band” music group had performed the music. “Crystlz Band’ was brought down from South India. The whole band artists were from India and Playback Singer Mr. Diwakar was in charge for the band. Female Singer Ms.Saundarya and Key board artist Mr.Karthic are other notable performers. Mimicry Artist Mr.Naveen, another star studded performer at our “Ghana Mazhai 2017”. Mr. K. Sivasuthan was the master of ceremonies. The programme summary is listed below.

  • Lighting of traditional oil lamp
  • College song
  • Australian National Anthem
  • Welcome speech by president Mr. K. Sathiyalingam
  • Address by chief guest Mr.Balasingham Babu
  • Live Music programme “Crystlz Band”– Part I
  • Mr.Naveen’s mimicry performance
  • Token of appreciation for the sponsors and for the performers.
  • Dinner
  • Live Music programme “Crystlz Band” – Part II
  • Vote of thanks by secretary Mr. A. Noye
  • Raffles draw by Mr. G. Partheepan & Mr. T. Suganthan

The programme was a great success and all the JHC old boys, families and friends had contributed immensely to make this a memorable evening. The details of the funds raised during the programme are available in the Financial Report for 2017.


Members’ Night

The members’ night was held on 2nd December 2017 at St Simon’s Hall in Rowville and the details of the event are given below.

  • College song
  • Welcome speech by president Mr K. Sathiyalingam
  • Kids performances
  • Live Music Band by Juniors
  • Trivia quiz
  • Team Games
  • Karaoke songs performances
  • Dinner


JHC OBA Victoria Vs Colombo Hindu OBA Cricket Match

The inaugural cricket Big Match was arranged by Colombo Hindu OBA on 7th November 2017 at Fregon Reserve, Clayton. Colombo Hindu College OBA was the winner. Nevertheless, our boys fought a valiant contest.


Community School Donation

JHC OBA Victoria had donated much needed educational items such as exercise books, bicycles, school bags, stationeries and some furniture (chairs and cupboard) worth of AUD$ 4500.00 to the schools in Vanni. Mr. T.Athavan, Mr.P.Prabakaran and Mr. T Suganthan have visited to the schools and distributed items on behalf of JHC OBA Victoria.


Donations to School Research and Development Unit at JHC

JHC OBA Victoria donated much needed materials and equipment such as Computers, Chairs, Cabins, Projector, sound systems, wiring and internet connections etc to launch this unit. The items donated by us were sought by the school as necessary basic infrastructure to keep the unit up and running. These items were mainly used for the students wanting to further their interest in research and development area.

This project was requested by JHC principal and forwarded to JHC OBA Victoria as a priority project. JHC OBA Victoria has successfully completed this project. Funding detail of this project is in the financial report 2017. Cost for this project is $7954.


Donations to School Lab (Chemistry and Physics)

JHC OBA Victoria donated materials needed for chemistry and physics labs. These items were requested by the principal as needed for the practicals for advanced level students. Cost for this project is $1041.


Essay Competition

We have conducted an essay competition among the school students this year. Three divisions were created as upper, intermediate and lower levels. The main purpose of the competition was to create and encourage social awareness in our school younger generation. Certificate and price money were distributed for 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked students. Cost for this project is $433.


Support for Dr.Suresh Family

JHC OBA Victoria has created an account and collected money for the purpose of supporting our old boy late Dr.Suresh Family. $3500 was collected for this purpose.


Our Tribute to Mr.Skandakumar Durairajah

JHC OBA Victoria paid their last respect to our OBA’s founder president Mr.Skandakumar Durairajah. In mark of respect and recognition of late Mr.Skandakumar’s contribution, our college flag was placed on casket.



I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the association for their efforts and support throughout the year and urge them to continue their support to the new committee.


Secretary – JHC OBA Victoria

11th March 2018